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Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Few Thoughts...

Just a few thoughts I been thinking about lately I figured I'd share....

One thing I was thinking about was about the NFL and how weak the Preseason is. Baseball preseason games are a pretty big tradition and plenty of people go out to see the future stars in baseball, but football is different. NBA is the same as baseball where stars can be made by these seemingly pointless games otherwise. I thought that maybe adding something to the preseason of football could make shit atleast worth watching. An idea I had was having the best college team play against the 2nd string players on the superbowl champion team in the NFL. Of course the NFL players are larger faster and stronger, but this could be pretty entertaining. I'm not sure whether it would be whoever was the best college team the year before or the highest ranked going into the next season, but regardless I think it would be cool to see...

Let me know what you think would be a good idea to fix the NFL preseason or any thoughts u got...

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