New coming soon!

and Souled Out Show album!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Back to reality

Yea so it's been a minute since I've been back in NY for the school thing... but after an ill time in Australia and a fun summer it's back to reality. To be honest i'm sort of glad to get back into an actual schedule and all that, because I honestly have been getting lazy and not nearly as motivated as I usually am. Australia made me more laid back which is good, but I gotta know when to change gears. I'm not looking forward to people giving me shit for the Pats either cuz I give people so much shit for the Sox so yea that's gonna suck.

As for Crocodile Tears, the album is pretty much done recording wise. Now it's just working on the cover, getting rights to the beats and then of course making copies of all the cds. I've already been working on getting everything approved for online distribution so that shouldn't be a problem either.

Besides that I just got a new guitar and have been working on getting my skills up. So yea if anyone got any beginners tips for me let me know because once the album is completely done that will be my main focus besides school. I think it is important to know how to play some instruments, especially if I'm going to eventually work with live music which is what I want to do.

that's it for now, peace

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