New coming soon!

and Souled Out Show album!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Talent Shows, Priests and Fox's

For those who came out to the show last week I appreciate it. It was a pretty good show overall despite my performance being a little lackluster due to some technical difficulties haha. But yea, I still pulled out third place in the show despite the judges being a priest, professor and heavy metal fan. So i'll take it. My friend Stephanie Walker came in second so I can't complain about not placing higher. I'll post some of her stuff later on this weekend so look out for that.

In other news, you guys may remember I posted a Listen to 'Em section about Three Legged Fox a few weeks ago. The other day their manager hit me up with a nice message telling me how he had came across my review, and gave me a copy of their new album "Not As Far" which just came out. The last two days I've been listening to it non-stop, and tomorrow I plan on posting a review of the album, so check it out and go cop that album! So thanks to "the real JZ" for that, and if anyone else has albums they want me to review, if it's hott, i'll post something about it.

stay tuned,

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